
Android mobile computers, thermal printers, industrial rugged tablets and label printers such kind AIDC products, learn in our applications and cases to know about how they are well used to help enterprises improve work efficiency, realize digital of IoT. 

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Buyer Guide— How to choose your android mobile computer?

Android mobile computer has a long history in logistics and express industry. As early as 2000, the management of android mobile computer has been implemented. Up to now, most of the nearly 8000 Chinese logistics and express companies have used android mobile computer of China manufacturers. It is precisely because of the comprehensive use of this android PDA that makes us to track the flow of packages anytime and anywhere, so android PDA has become an indispensable tool for express delivery personnel.

How to choose the optimal barcode scanner? Purchase Guide

There are differences between wireless and wired barcode scanners, but what are the more differences? How to choose the best barcode scanner, today let us share the considerations for choosing a barcode scanning device, starting from the resolution, scanning depth of field, scanning speed, etc., analyze one by one, hope it will be helpful for you to choose a barcode scanner device.

Top 10 best PDA Mobile computer manufacturers in China

When choosing the best PDA mobile computer manufacturers for your solutions, you need to ensure that they are the best in what they do. The suitable devices will have a significant impact on how things go on. Choosing the best mobile computer manufacturers can be challenging. However, finding the best one will be highly convenient for you if you find the best one. PDA mobile computers are important in enterprise working, and you need to work in close association with the best PDA mobile computer manufacturers in China to drive the benefits.

What is the Internet of Things and AIDC product overview

The concept of the Internet of Things (short as IoT) is very large, and there are many subdivisions involved. This article will briefly introduce the concept of the IoT; an understanding of the IoT will help us better understand that which industries and application scenarios can better realize digitalization and intelligence in our daily lives; and which products and technologies can realize automatic identification and data collection (short as AIDC).

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